Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Visual Discoveries Empower Superior Early Warning Intelligence

Several weeks ago I wrote about the evolution of Discovery intelligence from its foundations in Search intelligence.  Discovery is the Next Major Step of Awareness Beyond News Search.   At that time, I used this definition of discovery:

Discovery - the measured and prioritized alerting to targeted recipients of relevant "news" and trends pertaining to their intelligence interests. 

An important outcome of discovery is Early Warning alerting.  Business, political and financial decision makers are increasingly harnessing the swarm intelligence of news and social media to obtain early warnings about their interests.  In particular, early warning discovery covers these threat categories as they pertain to news and social media:
  • Threats can be evolving "over the horizon," beyond the scope of daily or weekly awareness as part of new and unexpected connections.  These connections can be among hundreds of potential competitor-buyer-supplier relationships influenced by new technologies, governmental actions and societal trends.  Similar political connections can be evolving among politicians, voters, interest groups, and policy issues.
  • Threats can be hidden in torrents of daily news and social media flows - visible if one were able to systematically find and prioritize the interesting trends and connections.
We use innovative visual and animated "radars" to enhance the scope and speed of the early warning discovery process.  The human ability to perceive warning imagery and patterns is 50,000 times faster than the reading of text about potential threats.  With this greater perception speed, decision makers can scan a larger scope of potential threats in less time than traditional early warning reporting.  Our early warning process converts huge volumes of news and social media into images and patterns that catch the eye of decision makers who use the visualized patterns to drill down to the specific news and social media articles.  No human can possibly rely on "search" in high-volume news and social media environments to achieve a viable early warning system.  Threats will be missed.  Visually assisted discovery processes are the modern solution for early warning.