Saturday, October 12, 2013

Introducing the Industry Graph - Extending Searching & Discovery Intelligence

Useful context is the latest frontier of Internet information. Google is pioneering the next stage of Internet search with its Knowledge Graph, which aims to understand the searcher’s intent and the contextual meaning of his/her search terms[1].  Facebook has been developing its Social Graph for people to people context by learning the personal relationships of its users[2].  Yahoo has been developing the Interest Graph which builds a context of personal identity that can be used as indicators of such things as what people might want to do or buy, where they might want to go, or who they might want to meet, vote for or follow.[3]

Now the Industry Graph, created by Industry Building Blocks (IBB) and News Patterns, is another source of useful decision making context.  The Industry Graph is being developed to serve competitive strategy and financial decision making.  The Industry Graph first creates useful competitive context around the companies competing in 15,000 granular industries[4].  This high degree of granularity enables useful intra-industry and inter-industry financial and strategy analyses.  The Industry Graph creates a real time situational awareness by prioritizing news that might indicate interesting industry trends or changes within the industry composition and broader inter-industry ecosystem.  This Industry Graph context is the foundation for superior searching, discovery, competitive analysis, situational awareness, market anticipations, financial tracking and investing strategies.

Industry Graph Discovery starts with granular industry definitions.  In the above illustration, industry i2 is the relevant industry from which granular and contextual searching and discovery is required.  Real time news and social media are continuously gathered relative to a specific company (red check marks) and the specific contextual lens of industry 2 with associated competitors, suppliers, buyers, substitutes and new entrants (blue check marks).  Competitive pattern seeking algorithms discover the priority articles and trends that might deserve attention within and between industry forces.

Key Advantages of Industry Graph Search and Discovery
·         Granular Industry Graph context enables superior searching, discovery, competitive analysis and financial tracking.
·         Searcher does not need to define the details of his/her competitive environment: competitors, suppliers, buyers, new entrants and substitute relationships.
·         Search engines and news feed services can enable superior business and financial search results for users without their laborious and tedious effort of refining or maintaining search queries.
·         Discovery enables a real-time process for prioritized situational news and social media awareness.
·         Once personalized discovery is activated, decision makers do not need to dedicate daily effort to searching or scanning for relevant news, trends and social media information, or waiting for others to pass information along.

[2] Wikipedia, Social Graph,, October, 9, 2013
[3] Wikipedia, Interest Graph,, October 9, 2013
[4] Similar contextual build-out efforts are also under way for political campaigns.


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Syrian Storm Gives President Obama a 100X Improvement in Politically Favorable News Trends

News Patterns discovers patterns and trends among overwhelming flows of news and social media. 

In my previous post, I wrote that ... "Arab Spring (which includes Syria) is now approaching President Obama, not for uncontrolled events in Egypt, but for US controlled events surrounding Syria.  The US decision to prepare for a military strike against Syria became the major news storm over the past week."

Over the two weeks between August 25 and September 8, 2013, President Obama has seen nearly a 100X (100 times) improvement in news trends that politically favor him and his administration.  In coarse political terms, US citizenry and news reporting have drastically moved their attention away from challenges to President Obama, to topics and issues potentially more advantageous to Obama.  President Obama is now essentially controlling US political discourse.  And when he controls it, his adversaries have little public attention to their political interests.

My use of the term "politically favor" is not based on the sentiment of articles.  Rather, our measurements of news trends are based on the relevancy of political issues and politicians.  In our calculations, the most relevant politicians and issues are the most interconnected with other politicians and issues.  These interconnections pull the most relevant news topics to the center of our radars.  Less relevant politicians and topics are pushed to the periphery.  Therefore, when you look at the following US Politics radar, you will see that US Congress and President Obama are at the radar center.

Radar Notes: The most relevant topics win the center of our radar spaces, and are often the primary contestants in markets or politics.  At this time, US Congress and President Obama are at the center of the US Politics radar.  Positions and movements define what a collective news intelligence is telling us in real-time, often correlating closely to polling results.  Topics that are near each other are highly connected or related to each other in the news.  The strength of connections among news topics is more important than the simple counting of article instances.
Live animated radar can be seen here: US Politics Animated News Discovery Radar.


President Obama Completely Changed Political News Trends -
between August 25 and September 8, 2013
  1. In August, President Obama was faced with these politically challenging issues: Healthcare implementations, Spending (aka the debt limit), Arab Spring (as in near Egyptian civil war and Benghazi consulate attack), Jobs, Economy, IRS scandal, Immigration Reform, and NSA Spying. 
  2. Nerve gas attacks in Syria gave President Obama an opportunity to refocus US political news attention.
  3. Elevation of Syria/Nerve Gas topic with threatened military action (Security topic) acutely refocused news trends (aka public attention) to a new version of Arab Spring (Syria, not Egypt or Benghazi) while stripping Security topic away from NSA spying issue.  In regard to the US Politics radar, the Arab Spring and Security topics catapulted toward Obama at the center of the radar.  Our news patterning algorithms calculated a 10X positive move for President Obama with the ascendancy of these two topics.
  4. With so much news and political energy being spent on Syria and Security, the politically challenging issues to President Obama greatly lost news relevancy and public attention.  In the above US Politics radar, see the relevancy decay of Healthcare, Spending, Immigration, Jobs, Economy, NSA Spying, and IRS targeting.  These topics are seen losing political relevancy in the US Politics radar as they drifted to the radar periphery over the past two weeks.  Our news patterning algorithms calculated a 10X positive realignment for President Obama with the decay of these topics.
  5. The net of the 10X increase due to Syrian initiatives, multiplied by a helpful 10X decay in challenging news topics gives President Obama a 100X improvement in current political news trends.
Thousands of news journalists, bloggers and social media contributors will continually observe and report on these storms as they develop.  Our news patterning algorithms will capture the collective trends and display them as an early warning system. Daily updates to UP Politics and other News Radars can be found at this Twitter location John Dundas, News Patterns


Friday, August 30, 2013

Syrian Storm Significantly Changes US Political News to the Advantage of President Obama

News Patterns discovers patterns and trends among overwhelming flows of news and social media.  Presently, the US Politics radar is discovering patterns out of 120,000 monthly articles.

In a previous post, I anticipated that the topic of Arab Spring would be an uncontrolled disruptive storm that would approach the Obama topic in the US Politics News Radar.  At the time, I made that intelligence estimate based on the near civil war in Egypt. 

I was correct but for the wrong reason.  Arab Spring (which includes Syria) is now approaching President Obama, not for uncontrolled events in Egypt, but for US controlled events surrounding Syria.  The US decision to prepare for a military strike against Syria became the major news storm over the past week.  The following August 30th US Politics News Radar shows the Arab Spring storm, powered by events around Syria, impinging on the Obama topic at the center of the radar.

Radar Notes: The most relevant topics win the center of our radar spaces, and are often the primary contestants in markets or politics.  Positions and movements define what a collective news intelligence is telling us in real-time, often correlating closely to polling results.  Topics that are near each other are highly connected or related to each other in the news.  The strength of connections among news topics is more important than the simple counting of article instances.
Live animated radar can be seen here: US Politics Animated News Discovery Radar.

In addition to the redirection of news attention to the connection between Arab Spring and Obama, one can see that the Security topic has also become more connected to the Obama topic.  This move by Security is politically advantageous to the Obama Administration in that Security has now become less connected to the Spying (NSA) political debate.  Other political news pattern advantages for the Obama Administration include a dissipation of these topics: IRS-Scandal, Jobs, Economy, Spending, and Healthcare implementation.

 Here is the previous August 18, 2013 US Politics News Radar as a reference.
Thousands of news journalists, bloggers and social media contributors will continually observe and report on these storms as they develop.  Our news patterning algorithms will capture the collective trends and display them as an early warning system. Daily updates to UP Politics and other News Radars can be found at this Twitter location John Dundas, News Patterns


Thursday, August 22, 2013

Microsoft Surface Tablet Spikes Early in News Pattern Relevancy

News Patterns discovers patterns and trends among overwhelming flows of news and social media, as defined by thousands of independent news content creators.  The most relevant topics win the center of our radar spaces.  Less relevant topics occupy the periphery of the radar space.  Changing real-time news alters the positions and movements of the radar topics, often correlating with market share results.  Topics that are near each other can be highly connected or related to each other in the news.

In the following Tablet News Radar history, we can track the approximate path of the Microsoft Surface tablet over the past year.  The Surface was announced in the summer of 2012.  The Tablet Radar shows us that Surface started like most new products with low news pattern relevancy as compared with existing competitors and other market forces.   By October of 2012 when it was introduced for sale, the Surface reached its peak relevancy, nominally challenging market leaders Apple iPad and Android OS tablets at the center of the radar.

The live animated radar can be seen here: Tablet Animated News Discovery Radar.  Daily updates to UP Politics and other News Radars can be found at this Twitter location John Dundas, News Patterns
Nevertheless, in subsequent months past October of 2012, Surface news patterns exhibited a steady decline in relevancy.  Tablet Radar news relevancies appear to be correlating with recent market share data.  In their August 5, 2Q 2013 Worldwide Tablet Tracker, IDC  recently reported Android, iPad (Apple iOS) and Surface (Microsoft OS) tablet market shares were respectively 63%, 33% and 5% .

Surface can reverse its relevancy decline by becoming the tablet of choice of for Game, Multimedia or Business app users.  In the above radar illustration, one can see the high relevancy of these apps.  If a tablet becomes relevant to a large customer group, history shows us that news creators will be interested, and will document user experiences with articles that connect-the-dots among the players in a marketplace. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hurricane Healthcare Brushes Past Obama and Takes Aim at the US Congress

News Patterns discovers patterns and trends among overwhelming flows of news and social media, as defined by thousands of independent news content creators.  The most relevant topics win the center of our radar spaces.  Positions and movements define what a collective news intelligence is telling us in real-time, often correlating closely to polling results.  Topics that are near each other are highly connected or related to each other in the news.

In the following August 20, 2013 snapshot, one can see President Obama and the US Congress are the central news topics at the US Politics News Radar center.  Over the past six weeks we can see that the Healthcare (aka Obamacare) topic has emerged from low relevancy to become a significant disruption to US federal leadership.  In fact, the Healthcare topic first brushed past President Obama and is now taking aim at the US Congress.  Thousands of local town hall meeting articles are giving energy and direction to the healthcare storm.

The live animated radar can be seen here: US Politics Animated News Discovery Radar.  Daily updates to UP Politics and other News Radars can be found at this Twitter location John Dundas, News Patterns

In spite of apparently missing the thrust of the Healthcare storm, President Obama and the White House should be preparing for the emerging Arab Spring storm that is being energized by civil strife in Egypt.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

News Patterns Forecast a Disruptive Arab Spring Storm for President Obama

News Patterns is the big picture of relevant news, trends and connections out of overwhelming flows of news and social media.  Presently, the US Politics radar is discovering patterns out of 130,000 monthly articles.

Since my last posting, the topic of Arab Spring has been gaining in relevancy in the US Politics radar.  Arab Spring encompasses topics like Syria, Benghazi and certainly the near civil war in Egypt.  As can be seen in the following radar snap-shot, the topic of Arab Spring has moved into a more potentially disruptive path since a month ago. 

The topic of Arab Spring now has a clear path toward a greater disruptive impact on President Obama since there are few intervening topics between it and the US President at this time.  In fact this disruptive pattern may intensify if journalists and bloggers increasingly connect President Obama with Egypt - a connection that has heretofore been relatively minimal.

Radar Notes: The most relevant topics win the center of our radar spaces, and are often the primary contestants in markets or politics.  Positions and movements define what a collective news intelligence is telling us in real-time, often correlating closely to polling results.  Topics that are near each other are highly connected or related to each other in the news.  The strength of connections among news topics is more important than the simple counting of article instances.
Live animated radar can be seen here: US Politics Animated News Discovery Radar.

Coincident with the brewing Arab Spring storm, these storms are also being tracked in the US Politics radar:
  • Healthcare (aka Obamacare)  - same intensity since last report on August 9, 2013
  • Economy - dissipated intensity
  • Spending (debt ceiling) - dissipated intensity
  • Jobs - same intensity
  • Arab Spring - growing intensity
  • Spying (NSA) - same intensity
  • Immigration (reform bills) - dissipated intensity
  • IRS - dissipated intensity
Thousands of news journalists, bloggers and social media contributors will continually observe and report on these storms as they develop.  Our news patterning algorithms will capture the collective trends and display them as an early warning system. Daily updates to UP Politics and other News Radars can be found at this Twitter location John Dundas, News Patterns


Friday, August 9, 2013

News Patterns Forecast a Disruptive Political Season for US Congress and President Obama

News Patterns discovers patterns and trends among overwhelming flows of news and social media.  The most relevant topics win the center of our radar spaces, and are often the primary contestants in markets or politics.  Positions and movements define what a collective news intelligence is telling us in real-time, often correlating closely to polling results.  Topics that are near each other are highly connected or related to each other in the news. 

In my last posting, I focused on the Healthcare Hurricane.  This posting positions Healthcare among other potential political storms.  Many storms are brewing.

Below is the August 9th, 2013 US Politics News Radar.  It is forecasting significant political hurricanes that are brewing in the relatively quiet, late summer news cycle.  As news events unfold, topics that are now peripheral, may grow in strength and start to converge on President Obama and the US Congress at the center of the US Politics radar.  Our animated versions of this radar will show the daily trackings of the political storms.  If storm events do converge on the radar center, then politicians will need to anticipate, plan and react.
Live animated radar can be seen here: US Politics Animated News Discovery Radar.

Political storms that we are now tracking include these in most expected occurrence order as tracked in US Politics News Radar:
  • Healthcare (aka Obamacare)
  • Economy
  • Spending (debt ceiling)
  • Jobs
  • Immigration (reform bills)
  • Spying (NSA)
  • Arab Spring (Egypt, Benghazi, Syria)
  • IRS
Thousands of news journalists, bloggers and social media contributors will continually observe and report on these storms as they develop.  Our news patterning algorithms will capture the collective trends and display them as an early warning system. Daily updates to UP Politics and other News Radars can be found at this Twitter location John Dundas, News Patterns

Multiple Hurricane warnings are now issued for President Obama and the US Congress.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hurricane Healthcare Descends on Obama and Congress in the US Politics News Radar

News Patterns discovers patterns and trends among overwhelming flows of news and social media, as defined by thousands of independent news content creators.  The most relevant topics win the center of our radar spaces.  Positions and movements define what a collective news intelligence is telling us in real-time, often correlating closely to polling results.  Topics that are near each other are highly connected or related to each other in the news.

Here is August 5, 2013 version of US Politics radar.  Over 150,000 articles were collected, patterned and rendered into our animated radar over the past month.  In this snapshot, one can see President Obama and the US Congress are the central news topics at the radar center.  Our radars often discover the primary contestants in politics, business and finance, and locate them at the radar center.

Live animated radar can be seen here: US Politics Animated News Discovery Radar

One can also see and track the growing relevancy of the Healthcare topic among other US politics topics and politicians over the past month.  In fact, the Healthcare topic emerged from relative obscurity and is now crowding out other topics like Immigration, IRS Scandal, NSA Security, Economy and Arab Spring (aka Egypt, Syria, Benghazi).  The  effect of the Healthcare topic is now hurricane like in its disruption of existing US politics topics and their relationships to politicians.

Hurricane Healthcare warnings are now issued for President Obama and the US Congress.

Monday, July 22, 2013

News Patterns Competition Graph Extends the Power of a User’s Interest Graph

Earlier this year CNET published an interview that was originally published by Bloomberg Television: Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer talks mobile strategy and more.  There are two specific points in this interview with which I agree with Ms. Mayer.

1) Personalization: “…image recognition, voice recognition, translation--these are back on technologies to being able to understand context.”
2) The Interest Graph - “…your personalization, your context, …to make sense of the content. It is the Internet ordered for you. ... Now it's so vast that you can't just categorize it anymore.“
Currently most interest graphs for individuals are defined by a user's previously captured behavior.  This behavior could include purchases or web browsing habits.  Nevertheless, these variations of interest graphs are limiting because a history of behavior is needed and they assume that a user is already efficiently discovering content that should be interesting to him or herself.

The News Patterns approach for personalization and context is to refine an individual's interest graph with his/her "competition graph."  Nearly every business, financial and political decision maker is involved in some variation of competition.  In competitive environments, there are archetypical forces that drive what is relevant for players in the environment.  Some of these archetypical forces include competitors, buyers, suppliers, substitutes, potential entrants, government mandates and societal trends.  Political equivalents include voters, politicians, issues, donors, etc.  Many of these forces have thoroughly been documented by Michael Porter of the Harvard Business School. 

News Patterns algorithms create a competition graph (interest graph) about a user simply by knowing the employment, investments or campaign of a user.  With this interest graph, the universe of potentially relevant news and social media articles are collected, from which patterns are discovered that highlight articles that have a high potential of being interesting for an individual.  The result is an efficient discovery or recommendation engine that anticipates interesting content for a user - content that could never realistically be searched for by a busy and often distracted user.

As Ms. Mayer said, users are increasingly looking for the "Internet ordered" for themselves, without the traditional step of them stopping to search for it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Visual Discoveries Empower Superior Early Warning Intelligence

Several weeks ago I wrote about the evolution of Discovery intelligence from its foundations in Search intelligence.  Discovery is the Next Major Step of Awareness Beyond News Search.   At that time, I used this definition of discovery:

Discovery - the measured and prioritized alerting to targeted recipients of relevant "news" and trends pertaining to their intelligence interests. 

An important outcome of discovery is Early Warning alerting.  Business, political and financial decision makers are increasingly harnessing the swarm intelligence of news and social media to obtain early warnings about their interests.  In particular, early warning discovery covers these threat categories as they pertain to news and social media:
  • Threats can be evolving "over the horizon," beyond the scope of daily or weekly awareness as part of new and unexpected connections.  These connections can be among hundreds of potential competitor-buyer-supplier relationships influenced by new technologies, governmental actions and societal trends.  Similar political connections can be evolving among politicians, voters, interest groups, and policy issues.
  • Threats can be hidden in torrents of daily news and social media flows - visible if one were able to systematically find and prioritize the interesting trends and connections.
We use innovative visual and animated "radars" to enhance the scope and speed of the early warning discovery process.  The human ability to perceive warning imagery and patterns is 50,000 times faster than the reading of text about potential threats.  With this greater perception speed, decision makers can scan a larger scope of potential threats in less time than traditional early warning reporting.  Our early warning process converts huge volumes of news and social media into images and patterns that catch the eye of decision makers who use the visualized patterns to drill down to the specific news and social media articles.  No human can possibly rely on "search" in high-volume news and social media environments to achieve a viable early warning system.  Threats will be missed.  Visually assisted discovery processes are the modern solution for early warning.


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

News Radar Discoveries Are Most Interesting When a Market or Politial Storm is Brewing.

Weather radars are most interesting when storms are brewing and threatening patterns can be discovered and tracked. The same can be said about News Radars.

News Patterns algorithms have been tracking and plotting the patterns regarding US politics for several years. Approximately 15,000 articles and blogs have been tracked and patterned each week. Interesting patterns include the most relevant candidates and issues, as well as important connections among candidates, issues and voting groups. Radars change day by day as new news is collected and new patterns emerge.

On May 10th, 2013 the US Internal Revenue Service announced that some of its personnel were inappropriately targeting conservative political action groups, including the Tea Party.  Within a short number of days, this IRS announcement spawned a "storm" of news activity in the US Politics News Radar.  A cell of news activity and connections quickly emerged among the topics of Tea Party, IRS, Taxes and Conservative topics.  This political storm cell has been moving to greater relevancy, approaching the Obama topic.  Other topics like Immigration, the Economy and Gun Control are losing relavancy.

The IRS event also spawned a new political topic: Scandal.  The Scandal topic is also moving to greater connectivity toward the Obama topic at this time.  There is no doubt that the White House will be doing all in its power to dissipate this political storm, before it becomes any stronger or closer to the Obama news topic.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Discovery is the Next Major Step of Awareness Beyond News Search

We are now entering the era where discovery is the next major step of awareness beyond search in our information economy.  Discovery enables a superior competitive awareness within a very small window of user/client attention.  The "routine" search for news and social media is transcended by real-time and actionable discoveries for individual decision makers.

Search has been the natural first step in Internet awareness.  Information utilities created massive databases of news, blogs, social media and tweets that were indexed for ease and speed of searching via keyword queries.  Search is easy and direct, and as time progressed, analytics became enhanced summaries of pre-loaded search queries for public relations and media monitoring dashboards - not in order to support decision makers & discovery.

News search is self limiting for decision makers:
  • Search could never enable surprises, as it presumes that the searcher already knows for what he/she is searching.
  • Decision makers do not know the scope/definition of what their interest universe should be.
  • PR and media monitoring, often the source for organizational news awareness, are not tasked to discover strategic competitive insights.
  • PR and media monitoring are often barriers to keeping unfavorable & important information from decision makers.
  • Superior competitive discoveries are found in a large universe of potentially interesting topics - too many for any one decision maker to track alone.
In a natural progression to solve the limitations of search, most Internet utilities are adopting discovery as part of their user value.   Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN, Apple and QUALCOMM are recent examples of major efforts to deliver some form of discovery to users.  One definition of discovery is "unexpected" information not the result of specific searching.   My definition of discovery is this:

Discovery - the measured and prioritized alerting to targeted recipients of relevant "news" and trends pertaining to their intelligence interests. 

This definition also includes situations where recipients do not know their own interests or are not actively seeking information on those interests.  Some further clarifications are useful:
  • news - traditional real-time news articles, blogs, videos, audio, social media and tweets
  • trends - emerging or dissipating patterns that are relevant for competitive success
  • relevant - having a significant and demonstrable bearing for the matter at hand. Merriam Webster Dictionary
  • interests -  participation in advantage and responsibility. Merriam Webster Dictionary
  • intelligence - information pertaining to survival or competitive response
  • targeted - discovery based on individual identities
  • prioritized - highlighting in descending order of urgency or relevancy
  • measured - limited and in proportion to urgency and attention capacity of the receiver
  • alerting - interrupting the attention of the receiver in the minimal time required for a message to be delivered
From the perspective of our Discovery Patterns (aka News Patterns), we are transcending what can be searched from hundreds of millions of expert and community content creators.  We are furthermore transcending the incredible machine content from news database that enable ever more powerful searches and analytics of those searches.  With our unique pattern seeking algorithms, we are enabling our free network members and our private clients to discover relevant news and trends for which they could not or would not be searching.  Discovery enables a superior competitive awareness (situational awareness) within a very small window (bandwidth) of user/client attention.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Content Will Always Be King Among News Creators

News Patterns has been a pioneer in the realm of discovery for over eight years. In my next blog I will give a detailed description of discovery versus search. This blog post will first set the stage defining the different types of news content creators.
Expert and Community Content are obvious to most information professionals.  Simply stated, Expert Content is created by authors and organizations whose business is to professionally inform target audiences either as subscriptions or advertising driven business models.  Community Content is the socially driven content that creators write or record as part of relationships with other community members.

Machine Content is often not considered, but nonetheless invaluable in the news content universe.  Machine content essentially synthesizes new content with algorithms and database processes out of original content from Experts and Communities.  Here are some examples of machine content:
  • Search indices with built in relevancy  (made famous by Google and "page rank")
  • Aggregation pioneered by LexisNexis and Factiva
  • Low latency feeds that supply instant stock trading black boxes
  • Media monitoring dash boards that track public relations interests
  • News Patterns Discovery - algorithmic pattern seeking of trends or events of competitive interest  (More on this in next blog addition.)
The above venn diagram illustrates that there are many overlaps among the news content categories.  Here are some examples:
  • Expert journalists often search machine Google as part of researching articles.
  • Members of community Twitter often notify their followers of interesting expert articles.
  • Public relations professionals use their machine media monitoring dashboards of expert and community content to research their next press release.
  • Expert journalist use community Facebook as an alternative mode of article distribution.
  • Community LinkedIN redistributes expert articles in an attempt to increase site page views
  • etc.
I have several concluding thoughts:
  • Expert and Community content could operate as viable, and independent categories.
  • Machine Content is completely dependent on Expert and Community Content.
  • Simple forms of machine content (as in better searches and monitoring analytics) can easily be adopted by expert and community content creators; whereas the reverse of expert or community content cannot be readily created by the machine content category.  Therefore for machine content creators to maintain their market viability, they must be increasingly innovative in the user value that they add to the "content is king" news universe.

Update: Risk Topics Under the Surface of Financial Meltdown Radar

Earlier this year (February 5th of 2013) I wrote that our news patterning process had discovered the threat topics of Capital Controls and Bank Runs. With the recent events in Europe - Cyprus more specifically - our financial meltdown radar continues to track the growing disruption of these two threatening topics to world financial stability.

The swarm intelligence of thousands of news content creators, as discovered by our news patterning algorithms, saw these threats coming long before Cyprus became a news headline.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Risk Topics Under the Surface of Financial Meltdown Radar

News Patterns has been creating News Radars for many years. A News Radar is an animated visual system for representing competitive patterns among market players. These market players can be competitors, suppliers, buyers, government actions, societal trends, etc. A very complex radar like Financial Meltdown can be composed of 30,000 news and blog articles per week.

Back in 2009, we were often asked if our radars saw interesting patterns that might have foretold of the pending financial meltdown initiated by unwise real estate lending. The short answer is no. We were not aiming our radars at financial markets at that time.

Now in 2013, we are aiming at our radars at world wide financial markets. We call this radar Financial Meltdown.

Beyond the obvious topics of Recession, Recovery, Debt, Deficits, Unemployment, etc, this radar is tracking some very interesting topics that will serve as an early warning of financial system risks:
  • Bank runs
  • Capital controls
  • Nationalization
  • Seizure of retirement accounts
  • Hyper-inflation
  • Hoarding
  • Bartering
  • Debt downgrading (especially US Treasuries... ouch!)
  • Gold and precious metal prices/accumulation
  • Transfer of sovereign gold from US depositories
  • Commodity prices
  • Rationing
  • Austerity
  • Unrest (rioting, protests, etc.)
These tracked topics will seldom be front page news or conversation topics in television talk shows.  Nevertheless, all of the above have emerged to some degree over the past year.  Seekers of financial risks now have a powerful tool in our Financial Meltdown radar to discover risk trends that might be lost in the "fog of news."