News Patterns discovers patterns and trends among overwhelming flows of news and social media. The most relevant topics win the center of our radar spaces, and are often the primary contestants in markets or politics. Positions and movements define what a collective news intelligence is telling us in real-time, often correlating closely to polling results. Topics that are near each other are highly connected or related to each other in the news.
In my last posting, I focused on the Healthcare Hurricane. This posting positions Healthcare among other potential political storms. Many storms are brewing.
Below is the August 9th, 2013 US Politics News Radar. It is forecasting significant political hurricanes that are brewing in the relatively quiet, late summer news cycle. As news events unfold, topics that are now peripheral, may grow in strength and start to converge on President Obama and the US Congress at the center of the US Politics radar. Our animated versions of this radar will show the daily trackings of the political storms. If storm events do converge on the radar center, then politicians will need to anticipate, plan and react.
Live animated radar can be seen here: US Politics Animated News Discovery Radar.
Political storms that we are now tracking include these in most expected occurrence order as tracked in US Politics News Radar:
Multiple Hurricane warnings are now issued for President Obama and the US Congress.
In my last posting, I focused on the Healthcare Hurricane. This posting positions Healthcare among other potential political storms. Many storms are brewing.
Below is the August 9th, 2013 US Politics News Radar. It is forecasting significant political hurricanes that are brewing in the relatively quiet, late summer news cycle. As news events unfold, topics that are now peripheral, may grow in strength and start to converge on President Obama and the US Congress at the center of the US Politics radar. Our animated versions of this radar will show the daily trackings of the political storms. If storm events do converge on the radar center, then politicians will need to anticipate, plan and react.

Political storms that we are now tracking include these in most expected occurrence order as tracked in US Politics News Radar:
- Healthcare (aka Obamacare)
- Economy
- Spending (debt ceiling)
- Jobs
- Immigration (reform bills)
- Spying (NSA)
- Arab Spring (Egypt, Benghazi, Syria)
Multiple Hurricane warnings are now issued for President Obama and the US Congress.
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